Laura Horne

Laura Horne's Of Time and Space is part of Acts of Exposure, the Gallery 44 Members Show at Gallery 1313

Laura Horne is showing her work in Part 1 of Acts of Exposure

Laura Horne, a Toronto-based artist whose photography practice began while studying Journalism in Windsor, Ontario, in 1998. Her work establishes a sense of obscurity by leaving out, cutting up and/or overlapping specific information, which relate to themes of the art of memory as a history. Her latest series, of time and space, educe moments in and around events (which may or may not exist). Bright flashes of light render oversaturated sulphuric landscapes, imminent skies and enchanting woodlands.

Laura’s work has been published in The Metro Times, The Globe and Mail and CNQ: Canadian Notes & Queries Magazine. She is a member at Gallery 44 and has exhibited consistently over the past five years.

Contact: lauraannehorne(at)

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